Copywriting and Transcreation


I’m a translator and web copywriter and in my Text Workshop Italian, English and French have been worked since 2011.

On the copywriting and transcreation bench, my tools never rest hung up on the wall. Quite the opposite, actually, since there is no wall and the bench is set against a window, to look outside and connect to the world.

I think that one of the most important requisites for a copywriter is curiosity, not only linguistic but a more widely cultural one. I read a lot, travel when I can and try to learn something new every day. One of the websites that I like the most and that helps me a lot in this is Nuovo e Utile (NeU), a blog curated by Annamaria Testa, Italy’s most authoritative copywriter, probably. If you don’t know it, give it a look because it is worth it.

My clients know that they can rely on a wide theoretical background enriched by a huge fix of practicality. I know what getting one’s hands dirty means, as well as trying getting ideas meet concrete realizations.

Before becoming a freelance, I worked for some time for a web agency. I know the environment of the small and medium businesses and their needs, and the way they could benefit from tools like web marketing, SEM, SEO and ad campaigns, made with AdWords and monitored through Analytics or deployed with the more traditional press releases, blog posts, or DEM.

My specialties are web writing and translation for advertising, besides the editing and proofreading of website copy, product sheets, campaigns and corporate communication.

Take a look at a selection from my Portfolio or write me using the red Contattami! tab here on the right and I’ll be with you soon.