

I’ve been translating and revising, and teaching as a contract lecturer since 2008. From 2005 onwards I’ve held several supply teachings of English language and culture at middle and high schools (vocational schools, technical schools, Lyceums).

In these years I have dealt with many pupils of all ages from all backgrounds, aging from 10-11 years old to seniors, and all preparation levels. I have lectured, prepared and examined more than 2000 students, and each and every one represented a case of their own.

A challenge constantly renewing thanks to courses and training days that I myself attend to and that allow me to offer my clients up-to-date knowledge and experience, concerning language learning and teaching, and translation.

I believe that the best experiences are those where students are actively involved, led to participate in the process and not considered as an audience only meant to assimilate what they hear. I really share Ken Robinson’s ideas and like him I think that creativity is a method, a process of not losing that innate quality that we all have as children, and that we should teach to cultivate it first of all through working relationships, examples and training at school and in the courses.


If you wish to know more about how I work, you can take a look at my course page for this and the previous years.